

Endodontic treatment consists in removal of infected tissues or materials from the root canal system. Sometimes it can save teeth from extraction.

The most common indications for primary root canal treatment is inflammation or gangrene (necrosis) of the pulp tissue (containing e.g. blood vessels and nerves). Second endodontic treatment is necessary when the tooth had been treated improperly in the past.


Bacteria in the root canal system can cause inflammation of tissues surrounding the tooth. Such process can stay hidden with no symptoms for years. Unfortunately, it could cause focal infection disease and long-term raised body temperature. Sometimes, inflammatory processes in tissues surrounding the infected tooth can exacerbate, causing severe pain or swelling. Root canal treatment is aimed at elimination of the cause of such diseases (i.e. microorganisms) from root canals. After thorough cleaning of the root canal, it should be filled in tightly and secured with a tight reconstruction of the crown. It prevents possible recurrence of infection and a propely reconstructed tooth is fully functional, esthetic and can be a part of prosthetic restoration.

Root canal therapy is a complicated and time-consuming procedure, but with knowledge and experience of the dental surgeon combined with state-of-the-art equipment and materials, it is

lpossible to save teeth that had been often removed in the past metod

The development of endodontics brought about permanent and predictable treatment outcomes. The use of a microscope ensures unparalleled precision. A complicated and atypical anatomy of root canals is often the cause of failure of traditional root canal therapy methods. Thanks to a very high magnification, thorough treatment and identification of all root canals is possible, which is necessary for achieving the best results of treatment.



Removal of broken instruments and root posts.
Sometimes it happens that a dental post or a broken dental instrument is left in a tooth after failed root canal therapy. It must be removed in order to gain access to the canal that must be cleaned again. Removal of such small parts from the tooth requires cutting-edge equipment and specialist treatment, without which the tooth would have to be extracted.



Repair of pulp chamber floor and root canal perforation.
Sometimes endodontic treatment can cause perforation of the pulp chamber floor or root canal. In such a situation, it is necessary to disinfect and seal such a perforation. The only material suitable for tight and permanent sealing of dental perforations is MTA.


PRYWATNE GABINETY STOMATOLOGICZNE      tel. +48 (33) 823 52 32       PON - PT: 9:00 - 20:00, CZW: 12:00 - 20:00